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  • 2021 02 01 In January 2021, Citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania Was Mostly Restored to Persons Born in South Africa

In January 2021, Citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania Was Mostly Restored to Persons Born in South Africa

In January 2021, Citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania Was Mostly Restored to Persons Born in South Africa

In January 2021, by orders of the Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania, citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania was reinstated to aliens in the following descending order: Lithuanian citizenship was mostly restored to persons born in South Africa – 138 cases, the second place – to persons born in Israel – 114 cases, the third place – to persons born ir Brazil – 66 cases. Altogether, in January 2021, Lithuanian citizenship was reinstated to 424 persons born in the countries mentioned thereunder:

Country of birth/Number of persons
South Africa 138
Israel 114
Brazil 66
Uruguay 31
Argentina 21
Lithuania 16
USA 12
Russia 6
Latvia 5
Belarus 3
Canada 3
United Kingdom 2
Zimbabwe 2
Kazakhstan 1
Estonia 1
Germany 1
Colombia 1
Austria 1

TOTAL: 424
