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2024 03 04 Referendum on the Retention of Lithuanian Citizenship (Dual, Multiple Citizenship) to Be Held in 2024. Voting Procedure 2024 03 04 Referendum on the Retention of Lithuanian Citizenship (Dual, Multiple Citizenship) to Be Held in 2024. Voting Procedure

On 12 May 2024, a referendum on the retention of Lithuanian Citizenship acquired by birth upon acquisition of citizenship of another country friendly to Lithuania will be held.

If the citizens of Lithuania vote in favour thereof, the following statement to be excluded from the Lithuanian Constitution: “With the exception of individual cases provided for by law, no one may be a citizen of both the Republic of Lithuania and another state at the same time.” Such an amendment would enable the present Lithuanian citizens to enjoy the right to retain Lithuanian citizenship after acquiring a citizenship of another state friendly to Lithuania. In this case, dual (multiple) citizenship would be available.


2024 03 04 Referendum on the Retention of Lithuanian Citizenship (Dual, Multiple Citizenship) to Be Held in 2024. Voting Procedure 2024 03 04 Referendum on the Retention of Lithuanian Citizenship (Dual, Multiple Citizenship) to Be Held in 2024. Voting Procedure

On 12 May 2024, a referendum on the retention of Lithuanian Citizenship acquired by birth upon acquisition of citizenship of another country friendly to Lithuania will be held.

If the citizens of Lithuania vote in favour thereof, the following statement to be excluded from the Lithuanian Constitution: “With the exception of individual cases provided for by law, no one may be a citizen of both the Republic of Lithuania and another state at the same time.” Such an amendment would enable the present Lithuanian citizens to enjoy the right to retain Lithuanian citizenship after acquiring a citizenship of another state friendly to Lithuania. In this case, dual (multiple) citizenship would be available.


2021 05 21 Proposed Amendments to the Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania 2021 05 21 Proposed Amendments to the Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania

On 21 May 2021, the Commission of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania and the Lithuanian World Community adopted the Resolution “Regarding Exercise and Improvement of the Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania”, where, following the foreign practice when an institute of multiple/dual citizenship is considered an exception relating to the retained rights and obligations to the motherland, and drawing attention to the fact that those citizens of the Republic of Lithuania who live abroad pass to the future generations experience of statehood, acquired maturity, and provide the necessary guarantees of historical survival, the aforementioned Commission requested the President, the Seimas and the Government of the Republic of Lithuania the following:

2022 01 20 With Amendment to the Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania More Persons Will Be Eligible for Exercising the Right to Reinstate Lithuanian Citizenship 2022 01 20 With Amendment to the Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania More Persons Will Be Eligible for Exercising the Right to Reinstate Lithuanian Citizenship

On 20 January 2022, the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania adopted the Law Amending Article 2 of the Republic of Lithuania Law on Citizenship No XI-1196, whereby it sets up the concept of a person who held citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania before 15 June 1940.

Moreover, Article 2 of the Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania was amended by paragraph 11, which establishes that

“A person who held Lithuanian citizenship before 15 June 1940 shall mean a person who held citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania at any time prior to 15 June 1940. This concept shall not embrace individuals who have lost Lithuanian citizenship after carrying out the mandatory procedures provided for in the laws of the Republic of Lithuania and for whom decisions on the loss of Lithuanian citizenship stipulated in the laws of the Republic of Lithuania have been adopted.”

2020 08 26 Applications for the Acquisition of Citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania Will Be Submitted Electronically 2020 08 26 Applications for the Acquisition of Citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania Will Be Submitted Electronically

The Migration Department announced that from 01 September 2020 it will accept electronic applications (e-applications) related to the acquisition of citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania. Since 01 September 2020, applications of the persons regarding acquisition of citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania, oath of allegiance to the Republic of Lithuania, and regarding issuance of certificates approving the Lithuanian descent or the right to restore Lithuanian citizenship, also, applications regarding children’s citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania or other matters will have to be submitted electronically through the Lithuanian Migration Information System (MIGRIS).

2020 05 04 Lithuanian Passport Will Be Available on the Same Day 2020 05 04 Lithuanian Passport Will Be Available on the Same Day

The identity and citizenship of citizens of the Republic of Lithuania shall be approved by an identity card and a passport of the Republic of Lithuania. It has been established in the Republic of Lithuania Law on Identity Card and Passport that an identity card shall be designated for use in the Republic of Lithuania and may be used to travel to foreign states where identity cards are recognized as a travel document. Citizens of the Republic of Lithuania can travel with an identity card through all the countries of the European Union, whereas a passport of the Republic of Lithuania is intended for travelling to all foreign countries, including the non-EU countries, as well as for usage in the Republic of Lithuania.

2019 07 01 Submission of Lithuanian citizenship documents to the Migration Department. Legal assistance of lawyers in Lithuanian citizenship matters 2019 07 01 Submission of Lithuanian citizenship documents to the Migration Department. Legal assistance of lawyers in Lithuanian citizenship matters

Upon the Resolution No 633 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 26 June 2019 on the change of Resolution No 280 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 03 April 2013 “Concerning grant of authority while implementing the Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania and approval of Description of the procedure for preparing documents relating to citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania”, the Description of the procedure for preparing documents relating to citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania has been altered. New requirements for a preparation of documents relating to citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania shall be applied since 01 July 2019.

2019 02 26 EU citizen card, which gives the right to live in Lithuania 2019 02 26 EU citizen card, which gives the right to live in Lithuania

Since 01 March 2019, amendments to the Republic of Lithuania Law on the Legal Status of Aliens and Order No 1V-194 of the Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania “Regarding the Approval of the Description of the Procedure for Issuing a Certificate of the Right of Temporary or Permanent Residence in the Republic of Lithuania” as of 22 February 2019 have entered into force.

By this Order, from 01 March 2019, citizens of the Member States of the European Union and of the European Free Trade Association entitled to temporarily or permanently reside in the Republic of Lithuania will be issued with certificates of the new format – documents in the card form, wherein biometric data – facial image and two fingerprints – of EU citizens for the confirmation of identity will be electronically recorded.

2018 05 18 Formulation of referendum on dual citizenship established in Lithuania 2018 05 18 Formulation of referendum on dual citizenship established in Lithuania

The Seimas working group resolving issues of referendum on dual citizenship has decided upon the formulation provided for referendum on dual citizenship.

It is proposed to provide for in Article 12 of the Constitution that “Citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania shall be acquired at birth and on other grounds established by the Constitutional Law. Citizens of the Republic of Lithuania by origin, who have acquired the citizenship of another state chosen by the Republic of Lithuania and consistent with the criteria of European and transatlantic integration established under the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Lithuania, shall not lose the citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania. In other cases, a citizen of the Republic of Lithuania may not be a citizen of another state, except for the cases provided by the Constitutional Law. The procedure for the acquisition and loss of citizenship is established by the Constitutional Law.” 

2017 10 31 For reinstatement of citizenship of Lithuania, it is necessary to retain citizenship of Lithuania on 1940 06 15 2017 10 31 For reinstatement of citizenship of Lithuania, it is necessary to retain citizenship of Lithuania on 1940 06 15

On 31 October 2017, a new resolution of the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania was adopted in the case of reinstatement of citizenship of Lithuania.

In the case, the applicant appealed against the order of the Minister of the Interior regarding a non-reinstatement of citizenship of Lithuania. The applicant has acquired the citizenship of another country and does not intend to renounce this citizenship. He may restore Lithuanian citizenship and have dual citizenship if he would meet the exception provided for in Subsection 7, Article 7 of the Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania – is a descendant of the person who departed from Lithuania before the restoration of independence of Lithuania on 11 March 1990. The applicant was a descendant of the person who departed from Lithuania during the World War II.

2017 02 27 In Lithuania dual citizenship is planned to be legitimized in 2020 2017 02 27 In Lithuania dual citizenship is planned to be legitimized in 2020

The Government of Lithuania plans legitimizing the dual citizenship in Lithuania. It is planned to legitimize dual citizenship in Lithuania within a period of 2.5 years, i.e. by the year 2020.

Today the draft plan of measures for implementation of the governmental programme has been presented to the governing majority and it points out that dual citizenship in Lithuania should be legitimized in the fourth quarter of the year 2019. The major institutions responsible for the said process will be the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Interior.

This intention of the Government of Lithuania is important for the whole Lithuanian World Community, Lithuanian emigrants and their progeny who are citizens of a foreign state and strive to preserve the citizenship of Lithuania.


2016 06 23 The Jews (Litvaks) and other emigrants who left Lithuania during the interwar period and their descendants will be able to reinstate Lithuanian citizenship or acquire double citizenship without bureaucratic obstacles 2016 06 23 The Jews (Litvaks) and other emigrants who left Lithuania during the interwar period and their descendants will be able to reinstate Lithuanian citizenship or acquire double citizenship without bureaucratic obstacles

On 23 June, 2016 Lithuanian Seimas adopted amendments to the Law on Citizenship which will ensure the right of Jews (Litvaks) who left Lithuania during the interwar period, as well as other emigrants and their descendants to reinstate Lithuanian citizenship. Initiation and adoption of these amendments was stimulated by the practice formed by the Migration Department, according to which the Migration Department used to require Lithuanian Jews (Litvaks) who themselves or their ancestors left Lithuania before 1940, to provide evidence proving that they had left Lithuania due to the actual threat, political or historical reasons, resistance to the occupation regime or persecution. Such documents were extremely difficult to provide, so as the result, many Lithuanian Jews (Litvaks) could not have Lithuanian citizenship reinstated.
