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Family Tree and Genealogical Research in Lithuania

Family Tree and Genealogical Research in Lithuania

Genealogical/ family tree is a diagram that visually depicts family relationships and ancestry of an individual through several generations. This is the basis of genealogical research, which assists in understanding the origin of a person and the history of his/her kin. Genealogical tree may cover information about a date and place of birth of each individual, his/her relationship with other family members, the date of marriage and death, and other relevant events. This is a useful tool to obtain responds to many personal and historical questions.

Building a genealogical tree may be a quite complicated process, depending on information which you have gathered on your family and its history. The main point is to start from yourself and your relatives, then going back through the generations.

When creating a family tree, it is necessary to have as much information as possible about your family and its members. You will find hereafter some key categories from which gathered information is considered valuable:

1. Birth, marriage, and death records: date and place of birth, date and place of marriage, date and place of death.

2. Personal details: first name, last name, origin, profession, education, religion, citizenship, etc.

3. Family information: first and last names of the spouses and their parents, marriage details, names of children and birth data.

4. Historical data: military service, migration, immigration, emigration, agricultural activity, business activity, etc.

It is necessary to understand that building a precise family tree may require a great deal of time and effort, particularly, if this is a collection of old information which is not available on the internet. However, the final result may be very valuable, and helping to understand the history and descent of your family.


